

motoDNA news and blog


motoDNA news and blog

MotoGP Winglets

By |October 13th, 2015|Tech|

There has been a lot of speculation recently about winglets in MotoGP, especially since Yamaha introduced aero wings to their M1 at Misano. Aerodynamic aids are not as prominent in bike racing compared to Formula One, but that has changed in 2015 with Ducati’s winglet development on their GP15. Mechanical Grip .....

Motorcycles For Health

By |September 10th, 2015|Community|

Riding can improve muscle tone, burn calories and be good for our mental health - here’s how... Strong knees And Thighs Riding a bike strengthens key muscles around the knees reducing joint problems. Manoeuvring your bike at slow speed especially around hills = bonus fitness points. Core Strength If your .....

motoDNA – Girl Power

By |September 8th, 2015|Community, Featured|

Motorcycles Make Women Happier Recent studies emerging from the US indicate women who ride motorcycles are happier, with better relationships and increased confidence. ( Motorcycles make everyone happier :-) Motorcycles are lots of things to lots of people. Through training thousands of students over the years, motoDNA student feedback ranges .....

Motorcycle Trail Braking On The Street

By |June 23rd, 2015|Street|

Sponsored By Pirelli Tyres On the track, racers are either on the throttle or on the brakes – no free wheeling – this wastes time. Trail braking is a technique which racers use to slow the bike as quickly as possible from one speed (on the straight) to another (corner .....

My motoDNA – Women Riders

By |June 19th, 2015|Community|

Check out Belinda’s story at the motoDNA Rider Experience. The motoDNA Rider Experience is fun, empowering and you learn skills to help you survive on the road. Womens Only Groups - NSW and QLD. 6 x 20 min track sessions 6 x 20 min classroom sessions MA accredited international .....

Ride To Survive – Ten Tips

By |June 1st, 2015|Street|

Unfortunately for riders, its more perilous than ever riding a motorcycle these days. Congestion, drivers using mobile phones, tailgating, poor road surface and just a general disregard for fellow human beings by aggressive drivers is making riding a motorcycle around Australian cities just not that much fun. Here are ten .....

Data Driven

Developed from thousands of riders at the motoDNA Motorcycle Training, our algorithms measure, grade and train motorcycle riders.


No more guessing, data sensor fusion combined with our algorithms deeply understand rider behaviour.

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Our urgent and ambitious aim is to empower the motorcycle community to take back control towards zero.

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