10 Tips for Riding a Motorcycle on Country Roads
Compared to the city, country roads can be a barrel of fun on a motorcycle. It’s why most of us ride. To be able to have a fang in the hills can be pure magic. Here’ a few tips to get the best from your riding and keep safe on country roads.
Major Riding Mistakes
Don’t Go Mental In The Pack Riding in a group can be fun. Hanging with mates, attending bike events, eating good food and meeting new people can be almost as good as the ride.The psychologist Maslow identified that people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behavior.There is an .....
Motorcycle Trail Braking On The Street
Sponsored By Pirelli Tyres On the track, racers are either on the throttle or on the brakes – no free wheeling – this wastes time. Trail braking is a technique which racers use to slow the bike as quickly as possible from one speed (on the straight) to another (corner .....
Ride To Survive – Ten Tips
Unfortunately for riders, its more perilous than ever riding a motorcycle these days. Congestion, drivers using mobile phones, tailgating, poor road surface and just a general disregard for fellow human beings by aggressive drivers is making riding a motorcycle around Australian cities just not that much fun. Here are ten .....
Lane Filtering Has Arrived In Australia Its been happening around the world for decades and after trials in Sydney lane filtering has been introduced into NSW with the other states following. It’s a good thing for motorcyclists in many ways and lane filtering also reduces traffic congestion. So what is this .....
Nothing causes as much confusion or trepidation in riders as emergency braking. How hard can I brake? Will the front wheel lock? Will I go over the handlebars? How far can I lean over on the brakes? At motoDNA we are continually amazed at how many of our students, who .....